Hi friends!
Why World Race:
My first blog prompt is “Why The World Race?”. And honestly, I asked myself that same question… many, many times this year. But to explain my “why” we have to go back in time a bit…
It was junior year when most people started asking the age-old high school question: what do you want to do after high school? And each time my answer was a little different because, in reality, I had absolutely no clue. Every time someone asked I just wanted to tell them, “I want to live for Jesus, but I have no clue what that looks like for me after high school”. However, more often than not, I ended up giving them the answer I knew they were expecting, something along the lines of, “I’m thinking about pursuing psychology but I’m not sure where yet”. Each time someone asked me, I could feel myself getting more and more unsettled because I’m a huge planner; I don’t do well with uncertainty and unclear plans. I wished with all my heart that Jesus would just tell me exactly where He wanted me to go and exactly what to major in because I had no idea, and I hated having no idea.
During this season of uncertainty, I decided to look into some options that weren’t college since I was not feeling any peace about that path at the time. While looking, I remembered a gap year program one of my friends had mentioned to me. So I figured, why not look into it? Well… what I thought would be a 5-10 minute Google search turned into an hour-long deep dive where I was captivated by every video and piece of the race I could find online. I found myself wanting to start an application that day, so I did! However, after filling it all out I told myself to wait a few days, discuss it with my parents, and pray fervently about whether this is something the Lord wanted me to apply to.
After praying for a while, I felt complete peace that the World Race (WR) was the perfect opportunity for me to answer God’s call; however, my parents were still not totally on board. It’s a big deal to send your kid across the country for 9 months so I didn’t blame them. Thankfully, after praying and hearing more about the race by talking with WR alumni, my parents also felt at peace about this decision. So, I submitted my application and was accepted!! I am beyond excited to have the opportunity to be a part of this and see the Lord work in my life and the lives of those around me throughout this journey 🙂
Am I Ready?
Throughout the entire application process and post-acceptance the Lord was prodding my heart about a couple of things, but the one thing that stuck out most was the idea of sacrifice. My thoughts kept wandering back and forth between the Old Testament sacrifices for atonement, Jesus life as a sacrifice but also His ultimate sacrifice on the cross, the sacrifice of the disciples to forsake everything and follow Jesus, which all eventually led me to the idea of my own life as a sacrifice for the King of Kings. Looking back now, I see how the Lord was working in my mind and heart to teach and grow me. My conclusion from months of dwelling on the ideas of biblical sacrifice can be pretty much summed up in one question: Are you ready to be offered?
When I honestly asked myself that question, I didn’t think I could say yes. As I mentioned earlier, I like being in control, and knowing what comes next, and I really dislike uncertainty. But being a sacrifice means giving up any and all control. It is me admitting that this life is not my own, so I won’t waste it by living for myself.
Oswald Chambers says it perfectly in My Utmost For His Highest…
“God has left us on this earth — for what? … to be at it for Him. So are you willing to spend and be spent? Are you willing to be broken and poured out wine for Him? To be spoilt for this age, for this life, to be spoilt for every standpoint but one — saving as you can disciple men and women to the Lord Jesus Christ. “
As I asked myself these questions, I wanted my answer to be yes. Yes to each and every question. But I am sinful and fall short. So as I embark on this world race journey, I am praying that the Lord will teach me to live my life as a sacrifice for Him. I am praying that He shows me more and more each day how my life is not my own, but it’s His. And although He deserves more praise than I could ever give, I am praying that my life would be worship, a sweet aroma up to His throne, and that He would be pleased.
Thanks for reading all of my thoughts!
Until next time,
Isabella Orme 🙂
Verse of the Week:
- Ephesians 3:20 “Now to Him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us”
Wow IGB! This is beautiful and hard and amazing to read. You are wise beyond your years. Excited to follow along on your journey and hear about all the things God’s teaching you about yourself and serving others. Proud of you and praying for you. Love always, the Joys
I’m so very proud of you and love you very much
When I received your letter and card in the mail I was reminded of your mother because you look so much like her! We went on a missions trip to Mexico many years ago and I saw her heart for the people and now that seed has been planted in you! May your heart and mind grow into the likeness of Christ as you journey this path. And I look forward to hearing the updates on this journey!
aw thank you so much Claudia! 🙂